Monday, December 28, 2009

Pandora's Box


4 Stars

So I went to see why everyone was on Cameron's jock. This film is pretty well done. The new technology was very impressive and the story line does get you deep.

Well done James. Not sure if you'll get Titanic numbers, but you will definitely make some sweet cash off of this one.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Powerful in a Dark Way

Seven Pounds - 4 Stars

Starring Will Smith and Rosario Dawson.

Every time we thought about this film we wonder how it would be. It's one of those films where you must stay engaged throughout.

You don't figure it all out until it's almost over. Very powerful film. Everyone did a great job in it.

Might be an owner. Check it out!

Morgans In Protection

Did You Hear About The Morgans?

3 Stars

Starring Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker. This film was very entertaining and Grant was hilarious as usual.

It was great to see Sam Elliott again. I love all of his work and Wilford Brimley did very well.

Not much of an owner, but a nice movie to see. Especially if you want to see the smart assness of Grant.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Business Is A Boomin'

Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
Death Proof
and now

Inglorious Bastards!

Just saw the 6th film by Quinten Tarantino and it was outstanding. The movie starred Brad Pitt and he definitely made the movie. The accent was hilarious and the line were great.

There were a couple of cameos including Mike Myers as a High British Military Official. Not as funny as usual, but was great to see him in it.

I would rate this film as his tied for second best with Kill Bill. Number 1 is of course Pulp Fiction.

Highly recommended to see. Oh and is you do see it, check out who is the narrator.

Until then........

Monday, September 7, 2009

John Hughes Marathon

So about 3 or so weeks late we had a dvd movie marathon in honor and memory of John Hughes.

We started out with Sixteen Candles starring Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall and John Cuscak. Haven't seen this film in a long time and I think it was my first time seeing the unedited version. It was great.

The 2nd film was The Breakfast Club with Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson. It has been a long time since I seen this film. It was good, but I feel they really over did it with the drama.

The 3rd and final film was Weird Science starring Anthony Michael Hall, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, Kelly LeBrock, Robert Downey and Bill Paxton. Still my favorite Hughes film after Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Favorite scene is when they are in the bar and Gary is talking after he is blitzed. Greatness.

It was fun and I'm glad that some of you guys made it. Not sure what our next marathon is, but I'll look forward to it.

Until then........

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Little Boxes

So Jen and I have been checking out the hit show, Weeds from Showtime on DVD. We finally finished season 4 and we loved the series up to this point.

Seasons 1-3 were great, especially with the theme song, Little Boxes. Just so quirky. Season 4 kind of threw us, but still kept up involved in the show.

Several characters disappeared in season 4 and we missed them, but understood why along with the original song being removed. We can't wait for Season 5 to release on DVD. Should be great.

Next series to watch is, In Treatment from HBO.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So I have stumbled on a new show on Cartoon Network call League Of Super Evil (L.O.S.E). Very different from your standard superhero/supervillan show. Actually it focus on the day to day life of a group of evil doers led by Voltar, a short creature in a red suite who is fixed on being such an evil dude. The other members include Doktor Frogg, a mad scientist who is also commanded by Voltar to fix an issue. Red Menace is the muscle of the group where the only thing red on him is his hair. Finally there is Doomageddon, a vicious hell hound who actually makes thing more difficult for the league.

I'd say this show is worth a watch for a while. Other than the league being bent on being recognized as being the most evil beings on Earth, it is also funny that they live in suburbia, with their house looking much different than the others.

The shows airs on Mondays at 7e/6c on Cartoon Network with repeats on Fridays and Saturdays. Check it out.

Monday, March 16, 2009


So we went to see Watchmen in IMAX this past Sunday. The last time I want to see an IMAX film was in June '08, The Dark Knight. Well I have to say that Watchmen was a very good film, but definately was not worth the hype people made it out to be. This was a very complex film that seem to deal more about the heroes unstable emotions then their abilities or advnetures.

The big deal keep hearing about was Dr. Manhatten and how he loves to go in the buff a lot. It is true, but it wasn't that big of a deal. Lots of graphic fighting and an intense love scene. I do recommend this film to all who are interested. Probably don't need to see it in IMAX though.

I give it 3 out of 5.

Friday, February 27, 2009


So my time and TiVo space are low and so I need to drop some shows. I watch too much anyways. So the following shows regretfully will have to be sacrificed:
Psych, USA
Smallville, CW
Knight Rider, NBC
Life On Mars, ABC
Terminator (I know), FOX

A couple other shows that are on the bubble are:
Castle (I know it hasn't started yet), ABC
Dollhouse, FOX
Howie Do It, NBC
America's Best Dance Crew, MTV
Chuck, NBC

That still leave's me with a lot of shows, but it should help for now.

Let me know what you think.