Monday, December 28, 2009

Pandora's Box


4 Stars

So I went to see why everyone was on Cameron's jock. This film is pretty well done. The new technology was very impressive and the story line does get you deep.

Well done James. Not sure if you'll get Titanic numbers, but you will definitely make some sweet cash off of this one.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Powerful in a Dark Way

Seven Pounds - 4 Stars

Starring Will Smith and Rosario Dawson.

Every time we thought about this film we wonder how it would be. It's one of those films where you must stay engaged throughout.

You don't figure it all out until it's almost over. Very powerful film. Everyone did a great job in it.

Might be an owner. Check it out!

Morgans In Protection

Did You Hear About The Morgans?

3 Stars

Starring Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker. This film was very entertaining and Grant was hilarious as usual.

It was great to see Sam Elliott again. I love all of his work and Wilford Brimley did very well.

Not much of an owner, but a nice movie to see. Especially if you want to see the smart assness of Grant.