Monday, May 31, 2010

Beauty Without Equal

Prince Of Persia - B+

Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina.

This film was very intreging with great cinematography and non-stop action. This is on of the few films that did the video game justice if not better. Gyllenhaal played a very convincing action character mixed with his standard dry humor.

I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy this film, but was glad I was proven wrong. Gemma was pretty bland, but her beauty definately made up for it. Molina was pretty funny and help keep the movie alive.

I do recommend folks see this movie, but no preasure.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sad Time L&O

So I got word that my favorite crime drama, Law & Order, is leaving the air after 20 years. It seems that the big move from Friday to Monday nights had a drastic effect on it's ratings. I suppose so given that it would be up against CSI: Miami, the master of Monday nights along with CBS great comedy line up.

Law & Order wasn't the only Monday show to fall. Truama and Heroes also have been axed by NBC. Chuck was able to stay on the roster and make it to the 2010-2011 season.

It shows that NBC is having it rough, but they did announce a new Law and Order will emerge, but this time it's based in Los Angeles. What night is still unknown.

Of course, I will check this out, but nothing will match the NYC L&O's.

We will miss you Law & Order.

Cya in the fall.