Saturday, February 20, 2016

Top 10 African American Shows

Some of the Best African American Shows of All Time.  They don't make them like this again.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Top 10 On Screen Friends Who Hated Each Other in Real Life

One of the first countdowns from's new segment called MsMojo.  Please check out move of the new channel's countdown at MsMojo on YouTube.

And Now......

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Movie Review - Star Wars: The Force Awakens w/ Bonus Video

Alright!  I think a month is long enough to write my review.  The long awaited Star Wars film (after Lucas sold LucasFilm Ltd to Disney and Disney announced the continuation of the saga) is here.  Bringing the directorial talents of J.J. Abrams (Alias, Fringe. Super 8 and Star Trek) and a fresh new cast, Disney, while letting LucasFilm stay their own company, has brought an amazing film passing the torch to a new batch of heroes to take on the new army of the Sith.  

Two new Siths appear with the New First Order (remnants of the Galactic Empire) with a new plan for galaxy domination, but one (and maybe two) things stand in their way, The Jedi.  The story starts on the desert planet of Jakku where a young woman's adventure begins after an encounter with a droid.  They join forces with the stormtrooper who defected, Han and Chewbacca and eventually the resistance.

The space or more so air battles were epic.  Much more intense than Episodes 4-6,  A big like Episodes 1-3, but with that Abrams touch.  My new pilot is Po.  He is bad as in the Black X-Wing.  I look forward to him in future episodes.  The lightsaber battles were pretty good, but could be so much better.  Much closer to the fight between Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul.  Not sure if they will go there, but I would love to see it.

OK, that's enough of that.  Go out and see this film when can, but please right away!

Grade 9/10

.......And now for something that is very hilarious!  Keep this is mind, if you have seen this movie you will notice some amazing similarities.  You would think that J.J. has simply modified Lucas' script from A New Hope.

Check it out!!

Source: Dorkly on YouTube


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

6 Star Wars Characters Meet Their New Equivalents

Remember in my review that there were similarities between Episode 4 and Episode 7.

Here ya go!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Iowa and other Caucuses - Education & Fun

AJ+ gives us a brief lesson on what a caucus is.

Source: AJ+ Channel on YouTube

And of course Jimmy and Arthur has a bit of fun with it.

Source: The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon Channel on YouTube