Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Little Boxes | Movie Review

 Grade: B-

So we stumbled in to this film late on Monday night on Netflix as it recommended it based on my wife's interest.  It stars Melanie Lynskey (Two and a Half Men), Nielsen Ellis (True Blood), Janeane Garofalo and introducing Armani Jackson.  

A family up roots themselves from Brooklyn, NY and moves to Rome, Washington for a job at a university.  They encounter some new things in this new small town and experience in a sense corruptions that changes them in a drastic way.  

There are some senses of racism, but not in an evil way and the folks of the small town are way more welcoming than expected.  Adjustment in a new house while waiting on their product from the movers prove to be very difficult how they fair by the end of the movie?  Well you will have to check it out and see. 

A was a very intriguing film.  Definitely not very predictable at all.  The performance was subtle by the main cast and the supporting cast showed some eye opening moments.   Especially this young lady who befriends Clark.  

Check it out if you like.  Pretty good film to stumble on to. 

And yes.  They do play the song.