Monday, September 10, 2007

Football Player or Track Star?

A new original TV series from the Sci Fi Channel. It stars Eric Johnson (Formerly of Smallville), who plays Flash Gordon & Gina Holden (Final Destination 3), who plays Dale Arden. This show starts out similar to the original TV series and the movie except instead of a famous quarterback, Flash in a big track star (cross country or marathon). They still end up in a small war with Emperor Ming (John Ralston) of Mongo.

Gordon's main goal is to find his father, who most people believes is dead, but he feel is still alive after learning about his life's work from one of his colleagues, Zarkov, played by Jody Racicot, (Final Destination 3 & Night At The Museum). During this adventure he also makes an ally of Baylin, played by Karen Cliche (Mutant X & MTV's Undressed). Baylin is a former assassin of Ming and knows her way around Mongo, so she serves as a great asset to Flash.

Like most Sci Fi original series, Flash Gordon is action packed with a quirky side of comedy. I think some folks will be a bit disappointed by it because it take a completely different turn, but it is good enough for me to continue checking out.

Peep it if you have the chance.

Grade: B-

Other current Sci Fi favorites (With Grades) are:

Grade: B-
Grade B+
Grade B
Grade A
Grade B+
Grade C+

Friday, September 7, 2007

4 Stages To Victory

This is a great show brought to us by G4 (formerlly Tech TV). The basics to this is show is that 100 contestants head up to Mt Mydoriyama to compete on the Sasuke. An obstacle course split into 4 stages.

Stage 1 usually has the most obstacles and the most people eliminated. About an average of 85% on contestants fail before the second stage. Stage 2 has less obstacles, but is more difficult.

The first 2 stages usually has a time limit, but Stage 3 does not. This stage usually focuses on balance and upper body strength. Once they make it through hen they have the final stage where all they do is climb the massive tower which looms over all the other obstacle. It is a lot of fun to watch and a lot of the contestants are pretty interesting. Check it out on G4 at 5pm & 11pm (CST).

Grade: A

Saturday, September 1, 2007

New Blog

I am one of many proud owners of a TiVo, and man do I love it. This blog is for me to give my opinions on TV shows. I am not an expert. Just an avid TV watcher. I will have different ratings and here the descriptions.

KEEPER: shows I intend on keep on watching.
BUBBLE: shows that I'm not sure to keep or drop, but will hold on until they fall to Keeper or Dropped.
DROPPED: shows that I just stopped watching because I lost interest (they are not necessarily bad, just not TiVo worthy).
OWNER: These are shows who fall into the elite and I intend on buying when they release on DVD.
UH...NO: Show that I don't even give a try because they see totally uninteresting.

I will blog as often as I can so keep in touch.