Saturday, September 1, 2007

New Blog

I am one of many proud owners of a TiVo, and man do I love it. This blog is for me to give my opinions on TV shows. I am not an expert. Just an avid TV watcher. I will have different ratings and here the descriptions.

KEEPER: shows I intend on keep on watching.
BUBBLE: shows that I'm not sure to keep or drop, but will hold on until they fall to Keeper or Dropped.
DROPPED: shows that I just stopped watching because I lost interest (they are not necessarily bad, just not TiVo worthy).
OWNER: These are shows who fall into the elite and I intend on buying when they release on DVD.
UH...NO: Show that I don't even give a try because they see totally uninteresting.

I will blog as often as I can so keep in touch.

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