Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Addiction

So, I would like to thank those close to me for forcing a new addiction on to me.  I don't know if you heard of this show, but it's called The Walking Dead.  I heard about this show before it premiered last year and thought, "Seriously?  How can this develop into a show?  How can you make anything about this?  It's just about zombies!" 

I didn't hear much else after the first season, which was only six episodes long, but I guess it gathered quite the following.  I'm sure starting with your normal zombie movie loving crowd, who probably got excited about a TV show on it.  The thing that really caught my attention was when my close friends were talking so much about it. I was realizing that this show was becoming a phenomenon like Lost and Heroes (sad to see both of those go), along with a panel talk show called Talking Dead followed each episode. 

Eventually I was going to check it out, but I was busy with school and catching up on my own favorite shows.  Then the second season had a winter finale and folks were already crying about how they have to wait until February.  Well I had still had not checked it out and peer pressure was pushing strong on me so I decided to start checking it out.  I saw the first season on Netflix.  And I had to do a marathon of the first part of the second season.

I'll admit this show is great and I'll continue to watch it, but more so to see how far they can take it.  I'm sure very far again like Lost and Heroes, but like every phenomenon show there is a drop off point.  Curious on when that will be.

Good luck on the show, Frank Darabont.


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