Sunday, July 16, 2006

Oh Bugger!!!!

Movie Review
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

The saga continues. This was a great movie. Johnny Depp was a great as ever and it was saweet to see Barbosa at the end. I can't say much more about this movie accept that the Kraken was very gross, yet cool.

Here are some comments of some of my friends.

Cynthia Coffman: Arrgh! It was a yo-ho-hoing good time!

Heather Staples: The innuendo's were cracking me up..though I could have done w/o the scary tentale oogie-ness.

Elizabeth Williams: Loved it!!!

Megan Monzel: There should have been tentacle sex. I mean, look at how phallic Davey Jones' head was!!!

Peter Overland: Wonderful!

Kelley Hartsell: loved it! already saw it a second time too. :-)

Winderful Andravin: YO HO! Swash me buckle and tickle me pickle, savvy?

Lindy Rosado: The ending was like a walk down the plank! And now we have to wait a whole year to finish the story?! BOO

Laura Hardison: IT SUCKED


  1. Oh my god!! How could anyone think that movie sucked!! I do love Win's comment about tickle me pickle!! HAHA

  2. Dude,,,come more about the movies!! GOSH. I was sooo expecting a Miami Vice review or perhaps a monster house review....perhaps you are stretched too thin with all these crazy blogs Bro!!!
