Sunday, July 16, 2006

Who's Son Are You?

Movie Review
Superman Returns
After 5 years the man returns. This was a great movie done by Brian Singer (X2 & Usual Suspects) starring Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth, & Kevin Spacey. Spacey was the perfect choice in place of Hackman to play the role of Lex Luthor (very twisted character). A lot of folks would say the story line was pretty lame, but if you think of it. No one thought very highly of any of the Superman movies except for Superman II when he battle General Zod and his partners in crime. People loved that one.
So in the light of that I felt this Superman definately follow the ways of the old movies. Very impressive given how some of the other comic book films that sway or change from the origional story flow.
I definately recommend this movie to any action, sci-fi, comic book fan. You will enjoy it. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. So, that guy who played Clark Kent in this version did a bitchin job of doing Christopher Reeve's expressions/voice intonations and what not. Serious props to his uber hotness was also very appreciated. Kevin Spacey did a wunderbar job @ Lex Luther if I do say so myself. Hurry up and get off stupid night just ain't the same Big Bro!
