Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fall Review 2007

So I have picked up a couple new favorite shows this fall, but I'm not sure if I will keep them all.

Some definite keepers are:
Michelle Ryan plays Jaime Sommers, a young woman who is thrown into a life of being a special agent of a private security firm while trying to take care of her troubled sister, Becca (Lucy Hale). She was monitored by whom she thought was her fiance and after a major accident created by Sarah Corvus (Katie Sackhoff, Starbuck of Battlestar Galactica), the original Bionic Woman, she was made into the new Bionic Woman.

I love this show. I was not sure at first because remakes of shows usually doesn't go well, but this one along with Battlestar Galactica is going very well. I definitely recommend anyone check it out. Go to to see full episodes.

Another show I like is:
Charlie Crews (Damian Lewis) is a cop who became an convict of 20 years is cleared due to a mishap in the trial. As a settlement for wrongful imprisonment the city gives him several million dollars back and per Crews' request, returned to the force. He is an exceptional detective and a keen eye for detail, but also hold a strong eccentric side. He hires Ted Earley (Adam Arkin), who was also in prison for embezzlement/money laundering, to manage his finances. Go figure. While working on the various cases from his precinct he is secretly working on his own case to figure out what happened with the bank robbery that cause him to go to prison.

Charlie Crews reminds me of Detective Goren of Law And Order: Criminal Intent. Brilliant and Very Weird. This is a good show to at least check out. Episodes are also available on

From the makers of Men In Black, Barry Sonnenfield & Bryan Fuller brings a show about Ned (Lee Pace), humble pie maker, who has a very special, he can resurrect and dead person, but they can only be alive for one minute for if that minute passes someone else must die, usually someone in close proximity. Now the one who is resurrected and not put back to rest is still not safe for Ned cannot touch them again for the will die. Only two important things in Ned's life has to suffer this, his dog and his childhood friend, Chuck (Anna Friel), who he is falling in love with.
I love this show because of it's dark tone with dry and weird comedy. Emerson Cod (Chi McBride) and Lily Charles (Swoosie Kurtz) are my favorite characters on the show. The rest of the cast includes; Ellen Greene, Kristin Chenoweth, Field Cate, Sy Richardson, and Sammy Hanratty.

Definitely worth seeing.

Other keeper shows include:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Football Player or Track Star?

A new original TV series from the Sci Fi Channel. It stars Eric Johnson (Formerly of Smallville), who plays Flash Gordon & Gina Holden (Final Destination 3), who plays Dale Arden. This show starts out similar to the original TV series and the movie except instead of a famous quarterback, Flash in a big track star (cross country or marathon). They still end up in a small war with Emperor Ming (John Ralston) of Mongo.

Gordon's main goal is to find his father, who most people believes is dead, but he feel is still alive after learning about his life's work from one of his colleagues, Zarkov, played by Jody Racicot, (Final Destination 3 & Night At The Museum). During this adventure he also makes an ally of Baylin, played by Karen Cliche (Mutant X & MTV's Undressed). Baylin is a former assassin of Ming and knows her way around Mongo, so she serves as a great asset to Flash.

Like most Sci Fi original series, Flash Gordon is action packed with a quirky side of comedy. I think some folks will be a bit disappointed by it because it take a completely different turn, but it is good enough for me to continue checking out.

Peep it if you have the chance.

Grade: B-

Other current Sci Fi favorites (With Grades) are:

Grade: B-
Grade B+
Grade B
Grade A
Grade B+
Grade C+

Friday, September 7, 2007

4 Stages To Victory

This is a great show brought to us by G4 (formerlly Tech TV). The basics to this is show is that 100 contestants head up to Mt Mydoriyama to compete on the Sasuke. An obstacle course split into 4 stages.

Stage 1 usually has the most obstacles and the most people eliminated. About an average of 85% on contestants fail before the second stage. Stage 2 has less obstacles, but is more difficult.

The first 2 stages usually has a time limit, but Stage 3 does not. This stage usually focuses on balance and upper body strength. Once they make it through hen they have the final stage where all they do is climb the massive tower which looms over all the other obstacle. It is a lot of fun to watch and a lot of the contestants are pretty interesting. Check it out on G4 at 5pm & 11pm (CST).

Grade: A

Saturday, September 1, 2007

New Blog

I am one of many proud owners of a TiVo, and man do I love it. This blog is for me to give my opinions on TV shows. I am not an expert. Just an avid TV watcher. I will have different ratings and here the descriptions.

KEEPER: shows I intend on keep on watching.
BUBBLE: shows that I'm not sure to keep or drop, but will hold on until they fall to Keeper or Dropped.
DROPPED: shows that I just stopped watching because I lost interest (they are not necessarily bad, just not TiVo worthy).
OWNER: These are shows who fall into the elite and I intend on buying when they release on DVD.
UH...NO: Show that I don't even give a try because they see totally uninteresting.

I will blog as often as I can so keep in touch.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chocolate Rain

Check it out. A video from an old schoolmate, who created the series Chad Vader. This video was featured on G4's Attack Of The Show:

I think you will find it annoying and pretty funny.

Falling Star

3 Stars
A very unusual film full of fantasy, adventure, action & comedy. Stardust brings on a interesting cast with Claire Danes, Charlie Cox, Robert De Niro & Michelle Pfeiffer. Basically a young man searches a far of land to find a fallen star for the woman he loved and pretty much get more than he bargained for. I found this movie to be very entertaining with more comedy than I expected. De Niro was the best in the film.
I definitely recommend checking it out. Not sure if it is an owner. Thinking on it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


The Bourne Ultimatum
4 Stars
Well I'm not sure is the series is over, but it was very good from beginning to now. Damon, Stiles & Allen was very impressive in their performances and the action scenes were outstanding.
In movies like this there are always connections even with the characters. My wife tells me that Nikki and Jason might have an even deeper past, but I'm not sure. It would make some since though.
The assassins sent out on this movie were great as well, especially the fight scene in Tangier, Morocco.
I'm not sure if they will think of doing another sequel. I'm not sure what they can think of since Bourne found pretty much all of his answers. If there is one I will definitely see it.
This is an owner I do recommend everyone to see it in theaters.
P.S. I am very looking forward to Beowulf.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Been A While

I'm back folks! Sorry I have not posted here in a while. I was crazy busy, but I have seen a lot of new shows and flicks. Here is a brief rating of the films I have seen this summer.

Spiderman 3 - 3.5 Stars

Shrek The Third - 2.5 Stars

Georgia Rule - 2.5 Stars

Knocked Up - 3.5 Stars

Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End - 4.5 Stars

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer - 3 Stars

Ocean's 13 - 2.5 Stars

Evan Almighty - 3 Stars

Ratatoullie - 3 Stars

Transformers - 4 Stars

Licence to Wed - 2.5 Stars

Sicko - 3 Stars

Live Free or Die Hard - 4 Stars

Harry Potter & The Order Of The Pheonix - 4 Stars

I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry - 3.5 Stars

Those are the films I saw this summer so far. Future films will have a full post as I will work hard to keep up with this.

TV reviews are next.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

By The Power Of Greyskull

3 Stars

From The Makers Of Shaun Of The Dead

Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is the finest cop London has to offer, with an arrest record 400% higher than any other officer on the force. He's so good, he makes everyone else look bad. As a result, Angel's superiors send him to a place where his talents won't be quite so embarrassing -- the sleepy and seemingly crime-free village of Sandford.

Hilarious! I don't like to set expectations on a film, but this one was what I expected. Simon Pegg & Nick Frost team back up now as cops wanting to make a difference in a small town outside of London. I agree with a co-worker of mine in that the best part is definately towards the end.

Timothy Dalton was also pretty entertaining in this film. If you don't remember him, he was James Bond between Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan. He unfortunately only did 2 Bond films, The Living Daylights & Licence To Kill. Other than that he was a pretty broad actor with no limits starring in films like Jane Eyre, Lion In Winter, Flash Gordon, Beautician and The Beast, Rocketeer, Hildalgo & even Looney Tunes: Back In Action. Like I said no limits.

Other actors include Jim Broadbent (Moulin Rouge, Art School Confidential & Narnia) & Edward Woodward (Uncle Tom's Cabin, A Christmas Carol & The Wicker Man ('74)).

I do highly recommend seeing this film especially if you even just liked Shaun Of The Dead. Owner.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Future Changes

2 Stars

Las Vegas showroom magician Cris Johnson (Nicolas Cage) has a secret which is a gift and a curse which torments him: he can see a few minutes into the future. Sick of the examinations he underwent as a child and the interest of the government and medical establishment in his power, he lies low under an assumed name in Vegas, performing cheap tricks and living off small-time gambling "winnings."

I would say this film was a cross from Matrix, Momento & Final Destination. People would complain about Cage's choice in movies. Cage always have an unusual choice in movies. Just like Depp or Travolta. I don't know.

The majority vote on this film was that it sucked. Mostly because of the ending. Now if folks were paying attention to the preview(s) of this film they would have heard them say that you wouldn't believe the ending. That prepared me for anything. People are so stuck in the traditional ways of movies that they are no longer open to different things, but that does stop the industry because even though folks complain they still see the films.

I thought the flick was okay. Cage was his standard self with his serious, out-of-it way with a touch of dry comedy. The only thing that threw me was Julianne Moore. She plays this bad ass Federal Agent who just don't take any crap from anyone. It was shocking yet a bit impressive. She kind of pulls it off.

I am a little bit worried about Jessica Biel for she is getting this reputation of being this movie slut or whore. This is thanks to films like Summer Catch, Texas Chainsaw, Stealth, The Illusionist, and now Next. We will see how her future films will be. Hopefully people will view her as more of a well rounded actress.

I would say to check it out when you like. Maybe not worth full price.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Twinkie Tower

3.5 Stars

After his father's death, Kale (Shia LaBeouf) becomes sullen, withdrawn, and troubled -- so much so that he finds himself under a court-ordered sentence of house arrest. His mother, Julie (Carrie-Anne Moss), works night and day to support herself and her son, only to be met with indifference and lethargy. The walls of his house begin to close in on Kale. He becomes a voyeur as his interests turn outside the windows of his suburban home towards those of his neighbors, one of which Kale begins to suspect is a serial killer. But, are his suspicions merely the product of cabin fever and his overactive imagination?

Some predicted this to be a typical teen flick, but it became much more. It has been number 1 for a few weeks now and I see it staying there until Spiderman 3 releases. Shia was pretty impressive in this film. If some of you don't remember him he was in Holes, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, I Robot, Constantine & Bobby. He will also be starring in the upcoming blockbuster, Transformers. This is a movie I definately recommend folks to check out especially if you like suspense or thriller.

Other actors are David Morse (12 Monkeys & The Green Mile), Sarah Roemer (Asylm & Grudge 2) & Jose Pablo Cantillo (Manchurian Candidate & Crank).

Saturday, April 28, 2007


2.5 Stars

The WWE! drops a film starring Steve Austin called The Condemned. You would think that this film being from the World Wrestling Entertainment would be horrible, but it wasn't half bad.

A select group of death row inmates are offered the opportunity to compete in a deadly game on an abandoned island for one week. The winner of the game will have his or her sentence dropped down to life imprisonment and avoid execution.

Other actors include Vinnie Jones (Snatch & Gone In 60 Seconds), Rick Hoffman (Bernie Mac Show & Hostel) & Nathan Jones (Fearless & WWE).

It's a decent film to check out if you are into Running Man crossed with Commando.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Moo MoFo Moo

Planet Terror - 3 Stars
Death Proof - 4 Stars

Grindhouse - 3.5 Stars

Planet Terror definately shows Rodriguez's love for horror. Two doctors (Marley Shelton & Josh Brolin) find their graveyard shift inundated with townspeople ravaged by sores. Among the wounded is Cherry (Rose McGowan), a dancer whose leg was ripped from her body. As the invalids quickly become enraged aggressors, Cherry and her ex-boyfriend Wray (Freddy Rodriguez) lead a team of accidental warriors into the night.

I felt this film was pretty good given that I am usually not into horror. I will say that Rodriguez best flick is Deperado followed by From Dusk Til Dawn.

Next was Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof. Austin's hottest DJ, Jungle Julia, sets out into the night to unwind with her two friends Shanna an Arlene. Covertly tracking their moves is Stuntman Mike, a scarred rebel leering from behind the wheel of his muscle car, revving just feet away.

I felt this film was the better of the two, but then again I love Tarantino films more that Rodriguez, but not by that much. Action over horror!!!! Planet Terror kind of drags on almost too long yet Death Proof seems like it goes a bit too quick. Then again Death Proof in 15 minutes longer than Planet Terror go figure.

Another interesting feature in Grindhouse are the trailers/fake trailers. They are something to see. I kind of wonder if they will make another Grindhouse. The show didn't blow up they way folks expected, but it is definately something for Rodriguez/Tarantino fans to see.

Desperado and Pulp Fiction are still the best.

Check It Out!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Back Those Cookies

Viewed April 14, 2007 in Theaterstars

3.5 Stars

We went out to check out this film in 3D. Pretty nice. Would have been better if I would have been awake. The movie wasn't boring, but I was so freakin' tired. Kind of pissed me off, but from what I saw it was a really good film. Some of the hilarious parts was the mind control of Frankie the frog & of course the chase with the T-Rex and Lewis. I do recommend folks to check this film out. It's pretty cute. BTW disney did get some help from Pixar on this. They are also re-releasing The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D in October. Looking forward to that.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Anime Report I


From the makers of Full Metal Alchemist (Aniplex) & Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex (Production I.G.) comes Blood Plus. An Okinawan high school senior, Saiya, with amnesia must come to learn who she really is and what her powers are in order to save her family from vampires. Seem like a promising show continuing the graphics of Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex.

Shonen Jump, makers of Naruto brings you Bleach. Rukia, a Soul Reaper, comes to the human world and finds an average kid with tremendous spirit potential, Ichigo. Her powers are transfered into him and he slowly learns the ways of the Soul Reaper. Showing the same hilarious sides of most anime. Of course Ichigo doesn't go through all battles alone. He has a lot of allies. Definately worth checking out.

Dropped Shows:
Mar, One Piece, Prince Of Tennis & Zatch Bell

Bone In Zamboni

3 Stars

Viewed: Friday, April 6, 2007 in theaters
Hilarious film. Probably one of the best comedic teams I have ever seen. Two figure skating greats have a falling out in the championships, but after going through some loopholes they manage to return to the scene, as a team.

Starring Will Ferrell (Talladega Nights), Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite), Amy Poehler (SNL), Will Arnet (Arrested Development), Jenna Fischer (The Office), Nick Swardson (Click & Malibu's Most Wanted), Romany Malco (The 40-Year-Old Virgin), & Craig T. Nelson (Coach)

Definately a film to check out. The only issue I had with this film was that it went a bit too fast, but what more could you do with it. It is great to see Heder's career growing like it is.

It's an owner.

Friday, March 30, 2007

It's So Great?!?!?!?!

2.5 Stars

This cute film shows how a mother who cares too much about her daughters tends to forget about her own well being.

Starring Diane Keaton, Mandy Moore, Gabriel Macht, Lauren Graham, Piper Perabo, Tom Everett Scott and Stephen Collins. I felt this film was pretty cute and entertaining, but moved a little too fast given though it was an hour and 40 minutes long. It does show to me how far Mandy Moore has gotten in acting verses singing.

My wife says it's an owner. I'm not sure. Check it out if you like. No Recommendation.

Shell Shock

3 Stars

After the fall of Shredder the 4 ninjas fall into the shadows and split into their own words, but a new menace over 3000 years olds brings the brothers back and they learn the true meaning of Honor, Loyalty & Family.

This Turtles movie was probably show in the best format I have ever seen, good old CGI provided by Imagi Animation Studios of Hong Kong, China. It includes the voice talents of Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: TNG & X-Men), Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy The Vampire Slayer), ZiYi Zhang (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Chris Evans (Fantastic Four), Kevin Smith (Clerks & Dogma), and the late Mako (Memoirs Of A Geisha & Conan The Destroyer).

It still follows the typical ways of the turtles: Leonardo the Leader, Donatello the Genius, Michelangelo the Knucklehead, and Raphael the Rebel, but it was nice to check out something that doesn't feature the typical Shredder-Footman battle format.

This is a good film to check out if you wish. A definate owner for me.

BWT look for a trailer for Underdog...............Yes Underdog!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

We Can Be Civil

4.5 Stars

We went to check out the Epic film 300 in IMAX and man it was very impressive. It is from the master of the 2005 hit, "Sin City", Frank Miller. I would place this in level with Sin City without the twisted sides of Tarantino & Rodriguez (BTW check out Grindhouse on April 6th).

Pretty much the Spartan King Leonidas decided to take on the Persian Tyrant, Xerxes before he overuns all of Europe. The cinematography & direction was great and the action was amazing.

None of the actors in the film is extremely memorable at first, but David Wenham (Dilios), played Feremir in Lord Of The Rings: Two Towers & Return Of The King.

I feel this is an owner and I highly recommend checking it out. In IMAX if you can afford it.


Sunday, January 7, 2007


2 Stars
Fern (Dakota Fanning) is one of only two living beings who sees that Wilbur (Dominic Scott Kay) is a special animal, while she raises him--the runt of the litter--into a terrific and radiant pig. As Wilbur moves into a new barn, he begins a second profound friendship with the most unlikely of creatures--a spider named Charlotte (Julia Roberts)--and their bond inspires the animals around them to come together as a family.
I honestly was not sold on this movie, but it was done well following the book. It seemed like everything was covered. It got pretty corny here and there. The only character I enjoyed was Steve Buscemi as Templeton. Julia Roberts was nice as well.
It's okay to see, but was not worth the cinema. Very overplayed with big name actors.