Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Night of September 24, 2012

I will start off with this, I love American Football.  I really do!  To witness what I saw tonight place such a bitter taste in my mouth, it is horrible.  Now putting the officials aside, Green Bay's offense was bad.  Really, really bad.  Especially in the first quarter.  Seattle's defense seriously owned the Packers.  Green Bay's defense did very well, too, but the final pain was the officiating. 

For almost three weeks I have been giving these replacement referees the benefit of the doubt.  I like a lot of sports pundits would say that we would see the same amount of mistakes with the regular refs, but as the season been going more and more forward, it has been getting worse and worse.  Tonight, I feel was the final straw.

I am irritated with the NFL administration and the regular referees.  They need to put this to bed!  Will it be better when they come back?  Who knows, but I do know that these replacements are getting worse!

Will I continue to watch football?  Yes, but my enthusiasum is starting to fall and it's not because my team is now 1-2, but that doesn't help.

Oh well.  Moving on.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Fantasy Football '12 - Week One

So, it is time for the season to begin, well it actually started on Wednesday with the Cowboys victory against the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants, which was an impressive game and happy for the Cowboys win.  Nice work to Mr. Ogletree with 2 TDs for the night and great work to Tony Romo. 

Anyways, I went insane and signed up for 5 FFLs.  I don't know what I was smoking.  The leagues include, my former job (which may be my final year with them), my new job (on ESPN, which I have to get use to), a good friend's league (which I joined when my other leagues seemed to not be happening, but ended up happening), my favorite league (commissioner was just to busy, but still got it going) and my favorite league's defensive league (an interesting look, but it a lot of fun).  I think I'll be able to keep up, but it will be tough with school going on.

So I tried to keep my teams pretty consistent, but is hard to do with drafts, but in most of my leagues I have Eli Manning, Ahmad Bradshaw, Jordy Nelson and Wes Welker.  I think this will be a great season from some of my leagues.  I will talk more on this on Tuesday.  Good luck to me!


Monday, September 3, 2012


I know this may sound pretty behind the times, I have now been exposed to the world of Podcasts.  It is a pretty awsome medium.  This best thing about it is that it makes the time past very, very quickly especially at work.  I listen to various types of podcasts including news, education/how to, sports and of course comedy.  Some of my favorites are The Rachel Maddow Show, ESPN's Mike and Mike Show, Nerdist, some of the Smodcast shows (Kevin Smith) and 60-Second Casts (Tech, Mind, Science, Earth etc.). 

My absolute #1 favorite show is the Ten Minute Podcast with Will Sasso (Mad TV and The Three Stooges), Bryan Callen (Mad TV and Hangover) and Chris D'Elia (Whitney and Celest & Jesse Forever).  These guys are extremely hilarious.  It can get a bit out of control, but it wouldn't be great if it didn't.  This show, like its title, is only 10 minutes long.  I kind of wish that it was much longer, but then the title would be pointless.  They would also feature guest including, Shawna and Chank Smith, which makes the show even sweeter.  As you can tell I thouroughly enjoy the podcast and I think you should check it out.

The tool I usually use to listen to these podcasts is Stitcher Smart Radio, which I discovered through advertisement on Hulu Plus I think.  I downloaded the app and I got hooked.  Again, it helps make the day go by quicker. 

Thank you very much folks! 

Keep them coming!