Friday, October 2, 2015

Movie Review: Scortch Trials

So yeah!  I am watching the new book to film franchises!  So what of it.  I did it before with:

So now I have moved on to franchises including:

I know you would say, "but Wil.  These are series for the teenagers.  There is no reason you should show any interest in them!".  True, but I do show interest.  I will admit that I was very resistant in checking them out, but later I did and I found them intriguing.  So, judge all you want!  This is where I am and that's that!  Yeah!!
And with that I have pick up a new franchise:
Like the previous trifecta of series, my wife was into the initial films especially after reading the books and then after seeing the trailers for their sequels, I became interested.  That happened again with The Maze Runner.  My whole deal with movies is that the trailer/preview must sell me.  It must show interesting to me, not give away too much and the casting must make sense.  With Maze Runner, it just didn't sell.  The premise was a bit too obvious and silly to me.  I know there is usually more, a lot more to this, but the job of the trailer is to sell the movie, right?  So, I said nay to the movie, but then after seeing the trailer for the sequel, The Scorch Trials, I was very interested.  So we rent the initial film and later checked out the sequel.

Now on to the review of the sequel.  This movie in some way showed some predictability, but not too much.  The kids move on from their rescue and brave the scorch on their way to try to find answers about the maze trail, WCKD and the virus.  They didn't exactly have a goal.  Like teenagers, they were completely impulsive.  They did learn a lot through their journey and reached a new destination.  Now something has happen that makes then need to return what they were running from.  Very Star Wars like.  I was happy to see Giancarlo Esposito and Lily Taylor in the movie.  I am looking to the next installment to see how this finishes out.
Owner: Maybe     Grade: 7/10

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