Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Leia Returns To The Force

I will start off with this: 😭😭😭😡 #FU2016

That is the article from People Magazine of the unfortunate death of Carrie Fisher.  I would say she was my princess 👑 and maybe many others did as well.  This was an amazing woman who worked hard through her journey as an actress and her battles with depression.  Fisher has done tons of work, but none compares to her part in the Star Wars Saga.  Princess Leia was unlike any woman in the Science Fiction or Fantasy world.  She was a woman who took no mess, spoke her mind and took charge when ever it was needed.  She was a master with a blaster and as she got older, she became more and more with the force.  It is unfortunate that she never fully developed her Jedi powers.  I feel she would have been incredible!

Anyways, Carrie Fisher show the same kind of woman that she portrayed in the films as she also spoke her mind and had overcame her battles with depression.  A lot of us was excited to see her alone with Hamill, Ford and other return to the saga for Episode VII, but now she has fallen and our hearts have sunk as she returns to the force.  

So long Carrie.  We will really miss you.  Tell Kenny Baker and the others that we miss them, too.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Heartbeat Come & Gone

I just discovered this show last night.  Checked out the pilot and we thought it was pretty good.   I was wondering why I had not heard about this show before.  It started in March and I never saw a promotion for it.  It is just weird.  

Well we thought the show was great.  Very funny.  A very unique cast.  We thought it was a keeper until we discovered that it was cancelled in May.  Oh well.  It is sad to see a show with potential fall through the cracks.  

Good luck on your next project Melissa George.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Don't Breathe | Movie Review

So um yeah.  

The makers of "The Evil Dead" brings a unique and very suspenseful thriller called, "Don't Breathe".  This movie in a nutshell puts a group of young thieves in the hunt for a major cash flow in a house occupied by a old, blind, ex-military man.   They go in thinking it will be a piece of cake, but things take a major turn and discoveries make it more and more difficult to finish the task at hand.  The ending will make probably leave you with mixed feelings.   

To be honest with you I was not sure about this one until I saw a trailer that made me say, "Oh man!  I think I need to see this one."  My partner in crime of Twist Cone was not sure at first, but she changed her mind very, surprisingly quickly.  It turned in to an incredible film that constantly made us ask, "Where the hell are they now?!"  I definitely kept our attention from start to end.  I feel the best performance was from Stephen Lang who played The Blind Man.  

Highly recommended this film in which ever way you please.  

Grade: 8/10

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Nightly Show Cancelled

So Larry Wilmore's reign of being the first black host on Comedy Central has come to the end.  Now the big reason that I read on is that the show just didn't resonate with the audience.  The ratings has fallen and the network felt it was time to go.  

Now my thought was this and I talked this over with friends.  The show was probably removed due to complaints by people who either were never happy with a lot of what Wilmore was talking about or simply because a black man is hosting a talk show, but that was my thought.  

I will admit the show was going through some changes and I can see honor can throw people off, but I felt the show was finally stabilizing with some great segments, like Pardon the Intergration, Nightly Nightly and of course The Unblackening.  I am just saying the show should have at least finish the second season and then make a decision.  

This show was great and I am not happy to see it go.  Thank you Larry Wilmore.  You and Trevor were just what America needed, but I guess some out there just can't handle that much blackness.  I look forward to you guys next project.  

Some one should start a movement to have another network save the show or hire you to do a different talk show.  We will miss you all. 


- CocoaVision

Monday, July 4, 2016

Movie to Marathon (Independence Day)

Well, I will be honest with you.   This has been a pretty rough day.  Not rough like a extreme issues that you can think of.  More like first world problems rough.   Has some problems that a couple I was able to solve and other that will have to wait until later.  Also, have a really major project to complete that now the timeline has been crunched down more making it a bit more stressful to deal with.   Oh well.  I always say I will make it through and I usually do.  

Anyways, normally, on July 4, I watch the apocalyptic film Independence Day by Roland Enmerich.  Today I am still going to play it, but this time it will act as white noise while I work on this project.   As I progress I made a discovery which helped me make a new decision.   I will make this single movie event into a marathon.  Along with ID4, I am going to watch The Day After Tomorrow and Godzilla.  What do these three films have in common?   They were all directed by Roland Emmerich.  I have been a fan of Roland since I saw Universal Soldier and Stargate.  The fan level was sealed with Independence Day.  

So there you go.   All there of those films will be played, as white noise, while I work on my project.   And yes, I will miss the fireworks, but there is just so much to do.   I do hope to see the ID4 sequel, Resurgence, very soon.  

Have a great and safe Independence  Day!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Trivial Mind Meld: Trivia of the Day (6-1-16)

Like Trivia, Riddles, Puzzles, etc.?  CHeck out Trivial Mind Meld.  New season has started and below is the first question of the month.  You can also check out the Trivial Mind Meld Facebook Group.

Good luck and Have fun!!

Trivial Mind Meld: Trivia of the Day (6-1-16): Who played Dottie Henson on the movie, A League Of Their Own (First and Last Name)? - Madonna - Sandra Bullock - Geena Davis - Rosie O&#39...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

WatchMojo and Mother's Day

Oh WatchMojo and Ms. Mojo.  You guys can come us with some cool and interesting things for almost any occasion.  Here are some Top 10 Lists they created in honor of Mother's Day 2016.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Um Occupied... – Fails of the Weak #293

From Rooster Teeth, Makers of Red Vs Blue and RWBY.  Video Gamers from all over submit their crazy game fails to Achievement Hunter.  Most are just bizarre glitches that do happen from time to time.  Very hilarious and in my opinion, way too short.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Movie Review - The Martian

So I had my reservations about this film because as usual, if the preview (yes I said preview, not trailer) does not sell me then I most likely will not show interest in the movie.  My wife on the other hand was really for it and really wanted to see it.  I was not nice and kept blocking is seeing the film.  Well I finally broke down and decided to watch it and I was not disappointed.  

When I watched the Golden Globes, they place it in comedy/musical.  I understood a way.  It had it's funny parts and it really kept my attention.   

I say definately check out this film.  You should enjoy it.

Grade: 7/10

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Which One Doesn't Belong?

This was pretty fun.  I really enjoy the outdoor games or man on the street segments.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Movie Review - Deadpool

Oh my goodness!  I knew this film was going to be amazing, but this went well beyond my expectations.   The intro credits was wonderful.  The dialogue was too much. Even Colossus was very good.  Plus the soundtrack was fun.   A definite must see IMO, but please do not bring your kids, unless you just don't care.

Ryan Reynolds was, of course, the best choice for this and future projects!


Grade 9/10

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Top 10 African American Shows

Some of the Best African American Shows of All Time.  They don't make them like this again.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Top 10 On Screen Friends Who Hated Each Other in Real Life

One of the first countdowns from's new segment called MsMojo.  Please check out move of the new channel's countdown at MsMojo on YouTube.

And Now......

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Movie Review - Star Wars: The Force Awakens w/ Bonus Video

Alright!  I think a month is long enough to write my review.  The long awaited Star Wars film (after Lucas sold LucasFilm Ltd to Disney and Disney announced the continuation of the saga) is here.  Bringing the directorial talents of J.J. Abrams (Alias, Fringe. Super 8 and Star Trek) and a fresh new cast, Disney, while letting LucasFilm stay their own company, has brought an amazing film passing the torch to a new batch of heroes to take on the new army of the Sith.  

Two new Siths appear with the New First Order (remnants of the Galactic Empire) with a new plan for galaxy domination, but one (and maybe two) things stand in their way, The Jedi.  The story starts on the desert planet of Jakku where a young woman's adventure begins after an encounter with a droid.  They join forces with the stormtrooper who defected, Han and Chewbacca and eventually the resistance.

The space or more so air battles were epic.  Much more intense than Episodes 4-6,  A big like Episodes 1-3, but with that Abrams touch.  My new pilot is Po.  He is bad as in the Black X-Wing.  I look forward to him in future episodes.  The lightsaber battles were pretty good, but could be so much better.  Much closer to the fight between Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul.  Not sure if they will go there, but I would love to see it.

OK, that's enough of that.  Go out and see this film when can, but please right away!

Grade 9/10

.......And now for something that is very hilarious!  Keep this is mind, if you have seen this movie you will notice some amazing similarities.  You would think that J.J. has simply modified Lucas' script from A New Hope.

Check it out!!

Source: Dorkly on YouTube


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

6 Star Wars Characters Meet Their New Equivalents

Remember in my review that there were similarities between Episode 4 and Episode 7.

Here ya go!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Iowa and other Caucuses - Education & Fun

AJ+ gives us a brief lesson on what a caucus is.

Source: AJ+ Channel on YouTube

And of course Jimmy and Arthur has a bit of fun with it.

Source: The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon Channel on YouTube

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Move Review - The Revenant

Well, well.  This film was scarily interesting.  Th bear attack was to close and real for comfort and the various battles against the tribe that were hunting them was intense.  I can see the reason why Leonardo get the many nominations for this movie, but I feel that Tom Hardy was even more convincing in his role.  Overall this movie was amazing and I highly recommend folks to see this film, in theaters if possible.  BTW, the French in this film were dicks!

Grade: 9/10

Friday, January 29, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Top 10 Final Fantasy Songs And Themes

This is my absolutely favorite video game series of all time and actually one of two series which I bought the soundtrack and loved it.  The other was Command & Conquer.

Enjoy WatchMojo's Top 10 Final Fantasy Song and Themes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cinema Sins Preparing You For Kung Fu Panda 3

Jeremy of Cinema Sins decides to prepare you  for the second sequel by giving you all the sins of the previous two sins.



Tuesday, January 26, 2016

TV Review - Cutthroat and Funny

This was another cooking show that my wife started watching on Netflix.  It was pretty much the most interesting cooking competition reality show I have ever seen.  The main premise like most cooking shows is to make the best tasting and presentable dishes for the host and the judges to try out and the one who is the most impressive wins, but wait there's more.  A difference in this show is that the contestants get some money before the competition starts and they can use that money while cooking to barter off something the host presents that could be a disadvantage for their competitors.  That to me is the interesting part.  

I also find it entertaining (some episodes) that they do so much trash talking.  I don't remember the chefs talking to each other as much while cooking as the chefs on here did.  The host, Alton Brown is pretty funny and sarcastic, but in a good way.  He is also the host of Good Eats, appears regularly on Food Network Star and Iron Chef America.  Like I said before, the shows are interesting, but I don't think I can follow the show religiously.  This will pretty much be one of her shows.  If I walk in the room while she is watching the show, I will most likely will finish an episode with her.  Maybe even start an another one.

I could not find a preview of the show, but here is a full episode (hopefully it will stay).  Check out the actual show on Food Network or Netflix.  Also visit the Cutthroat Kitchen Website.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Join My Fantasy Golf League

You all have been invited to join my Fantasy Golf League (SNGGA).  That's Right, Fantasy Golf.  It is actually very simple.  

Each week before Thursday you would select golfers for tournaments that they will be participating in to represent your team.  Some golfers are lock in to certain Group Lists and you will chose which golfers of each group will play in each tournament.  You choose 2 Golfers for List A, 4 Golfers for List B and 2 Golfers for list C Now understand,  Now understand, not every golfer will be in every tournament.  Look for the Red "NE" which means Not Entering/Participating.  You see that, do not put them in your roster.

That's pretty much it.  Very simple and again like Football you only have to confirm your roster once a week.  After that, it is up to you.

 So Click Here to Join my Fantasy Golf League (SNGGA).  You will enjoy it.  

Any questions, please let me know @

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Weekend Box Office - January 15 - January 17

1. Ride Alone 2 - $35.2 (New LW)
2. The Revenant - $31.8 (2nd LW)
3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
4. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi - $16.2 M (New LW)
5. Daddy's Home - $9.5 M (3rd LW)
6. Norm of the North - $6.8 M (New LW)
7. The Forest - $6 M (4th LW)
8. The Big Short - $5.3 M (7th LW)
9. Sisters - $4.7 M (5th LW)
10. The Hateful Eight - $3.6 M (6th LW)
11. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip $2.9 M (8th LW)
12 Joy - $2.9 (9th LW)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Safety Fails and Mishaps Compilation || FailArmy

Podcasts! I Love 'Em!

So over the past five years I have become an avid podcast listener.  I listen to formats like educational, comedy (usually explicit), sports, news and entertainment.  They have turn from an alternative from music while driving or tasking around the house, to the primary source of auditory entertainment.

I would like to share with you my Top Ten All-Time Favorite podcasts I listen to on Stitcher Smart Radio: Radio On Demand.

10)  Christopher Titus PodcastComedian Christopher Titus along with Bombshell Rae and Willie "Jello" Johnson take no prisoners as they try to make sense of out of the insanity behind today's headlines. Titus takes a smart, aggressive stance that is never unbiased, always unbalanced and unhinged. Check the itunes reviews.

9)  Star Wars In Character:  Join us each week as we discuss the lesser known Star Wars characters that often get overlooked. If you are a Star Wars die-hard, you will love the “Star Wars: In Character” podcast!

8)  BrainStuff:  From the HowStuffWorks network, BrainStuff is a podcast that explores the world around us in an attempt to use science to understand everything from the internet to how scratch n sniff stickers work.

7)  The Math Dude:  The Math Dude makes understanding math easier and more fun than you ever thought possible. Host Dr. Jason Marshall provides clear explanations of math terms and principles, and his simple tricks for solving basic algebra problems will have even the most mathphobic looking forward to working out whatever math problem comes their way. If you're getting ready to take the SAT, GRE, or any of the other standardized tests; or if you're going back to school and need to brush up on the basics, Math Dude's Quick and Dirty Tips to Make Math Easier will strengthen your fundamental skills and help you understand the language of math. And if you just want to calculate the tip without using your iPhone and impress all your friends, his tips and tricks are for you too.

6)  StarTalk:  The StarTalk podcast features comedians, scientists and celebrities discussing the intersection of science and pop culture with host Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Hayden Planetarium director. New on demand episodes weekly.

5)  Sklarbro Country:  Sklarbro Country features Randy and Jason Sklar as they give their weekly comedic takes on the worlds of sports and pop culture. You don't have to know about sports to enjoy it, as long as you like silly puns and great comedians.

4)  Meet The Press:  NBC's popular news talk show Meet the Press with moderator Chuck Todd in on demand podcast format. Each episode delivers insightful interviews with the newsmakers of the week. New episodes published weekly on Sunday.

3) NPR Hourly News Summary:  This turned into my news source that brings me four to five snippets of the current news stories from the past hour.  I usually start off my day with this podcast and go back to it every time I re-enter my vehicle or just need something playing in my ears.  Great source to start off for news and then you can research later on through any source for details.

2)  Hollywood Babble-On:  There's no business like HO business. Ralph Garman is the guy you never listen to on morning radio. Kevin Smith is the guy who makes movies you never go see. And yet every week, they have the balls to make fun of their TinselTown peers during SModcast: Hollywood Babble-On! Enjoy this great podcast on demand in weekly installments.

1)  Ten Minute Podcast:  W'PPRECIATECHA!  Created by Will Sasso, Bryan Callen and Chris D'ella.  This is just about these guys just talking about anything that comes to mind.  Will Sasso tries had to keep the show in order, but fussy Bryan and stuffy Chris makes it very hard to keep out of chaos.  Throughout the years, as the fellas got more busy with other projects and stand up touring, Will would bring other friends from his past including, Tommy Blacha, Chad Kultgen and Bobby Lee.  They will also introduce characters like Chank Smith, David Greco, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, etc.  

Go on to Stitcher Radio On Demand and check out these Podcasts or the many other amazing podcasts on Stitcher.  You won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

TV Review - Making A Murderer

This was a series that I had hear a lot of people rave about, but I was kind of hesitant because of my bizarre mind set that somethings have enough attention so it does not require mine.  Then all of a sudden my wife brought it up and wondered if I was interested.  My response was "Eh, but if you want to check it out, I will watch it with you."

So we started watching the show and it became a binge.  It was very intriging and invilved.  For the most part it looked very one sided, but I can also see the problem child that Avery could be.  Who know how everything will turn out for this man, but the process was truly screwed up.

Check it out if you like documentaries that could draw you in.  Here is a trailer.  Show is only on Netflix.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy 50th Anniversary!!

So Star Trek is celebrating it 50th Anniversary this year and my plan is before I go see Star Trek: Beyond when it releases this year, I am going to binge as much of the TV series as I can.

Note: I have never seen the original series.  I KNOW!!!!

So, we shall see how far I get with this.  I shall let you know by the time I see the new movie.  

Check out the trailer for the upcoming film.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Star Trek Celebrates 50 Years - Binge Time!!!


Going to binge this Entire Saga.  

The Original Series (which I have never seen), The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine (All Time Favorite), Voyager, Enterprise and the 12 movies.  

Let's see if I can get through most of this before Star Trek Beyond  

Happy 50th Star Trek!!!!