Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Friday Fall '15 Premiere Reviews Part One

The race is back with the least more annoying host, Phil Keoghan.  11 new teams come on to the fold to race around the world and try to achieve one million dollars.  There are some interesting teams on the show, but one really stood out with this guy, who created his own version of The Amazing Race and became a YouTube sensation, breaks down when he messes up on a not so critical part of the game.  Basically his team failed to get the express pass and started to fall towards the back of the pack.  He cries uncontrollably and looked like a baby.  They actually managed to make it to the next leg.  Anyway, the first episode was ok and I see the rest of the season to turn out even better.  Looking forward to it on my favorite reality competition show.
Status: Keep     Grade: 9/10

So I am happy to report that this show has made it to another season and has broken the Chi Curse (knock on wood).  This is not a common term because I made it up myself.  See, I actually love the actor Chi McBride ever since I saw him on David E. Kelley's Boston Public.  After this show, anything else I saw him in has suffered a fate of not making it to a new season.  The first was Pushing Daisies, an awesome show that should have never been cancelled even after winning awards, but I think no one could follow the concept and it probably was ahead of its time.  The next was Human Target with Mark Valley and Jackie Early Haley.  This show did start a second season, but only made it a couple episodes into the season.  Now, a couple of seasons ago, he joins one of my newest classic remakes, Hawaii Five-0.  It is now in it's sixth season and is (along with Chi) running strong.  I am actually very happy the show is doing well and he is still in it.  The show has so far overcame 2 curses (knock on wood, again).  This premiere episode was great and intense.  The season should prove exciting.
Status: Keep     Grade: 8/10

Mike, the big conservative business owner, who caters very strong to a stereotypical base.  I have never did a regular review about this show.  Now knowing or understanding the premise, I jumped into this show last season (Season 4) basically because I loved to see Tim Allen back on TV.  I watched Home Improvement religiously and loved every minute of it.  I also followed his early stand up career.  He may seemed like a pompous ass, but he was hilarious as hell.  After a few episode, I got a better understanding of the show and even though it may throw me, I have decided to stick with it.  The start of the season was just ok.  I don't know why they use so much CGI or bad effects and why in the hell do they do a lot of superimposing.  You think these would turn me off of the show, but I still enjoy the comedy.  It shows the serious battles of the extremes, politically, and shows how at times, people can work together.  You see that CONGRESS??!!!  So, I will stay with the show.  Looks like they will have to do a lot to lose me. 
Status: Keep     Grade 6.5/10

P.S. ABC!  That was crap you cancelled Cristela!  That show was great!  I know some cheese was present, but I know cheese is good for a sitcom.  I know you will say it's rating and I may have a thought on that, but I will not go there.  Think about it.  Alright, I will stop my rant there.

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