Saturday, September 19, 2015

Frank Martin 2.0

Luc Besson decide to take his masterpiece and reboot it.  I was not very happy when he decided to do this, but as I then saw trailers and TV clips I was sold and was willing to check out how this new Frank Martin will do.  Ed Skrein, a fairly new actor since 2012, accepted the paton from Statham and be came The Transporter. 

The Transporter Refueled was a film that you had to go in with an open mind and be prepared for something different, but not to far from the same.  Ed's gruffness fulfilled the role as Martin very well.  Joining him was Ray Stevenson (Beowolf, Thor & Divergent Series), who played Frank Martin, Sr.  He also did a great job playing a charismatic old playboy who for some reason always get caught up.  The driving skills in the film was very impressive and the fight scenes were just as amazing as with Statham.  My mind was changed and fulfilled.  This film was amazing and I recommend all who are a fan of the Transporter series and/or a fan of Luc Besson.
Owner: Yes!!     Grade: 8.5/10

I would have graded higher, but I was disappointed by a lack of something.  No spoilers.  I will see if you can figure it out.

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